MASSIVE TWITTER MARCH – A march online to reject the Security Law in Mexico

MASSIVE TWITTER MARCH – A march online to reject the Security Law in Mexico.

From anywhere around the world show your opposition to the proposed National Security Law which is soon to be approved in Mexico. This is an Act that violates the most basic human rights of citizens in our country; read more here:​ing-the-countrys-version-of-the-patriot-act.html

We want to unite our efforts from anywhere we are on August the 14th to support the march “Rechazo a la Ley de Seguridad” (Rejection of the Security Law) and which will be taking place in Mexico City.

How to support? – Just twitter at least 20 people among politicians as well as the political parties from our country. Due to the number of characters limit on TWITT, we propose the following texts:

Rechazamos la Ley de Seguridad Nacional. Exigimos la elaboración de una Ley de Seguridad #humanayciudadana @FelipeCalderon@jc_ramirezmarin

Exigimos la elaboración de una Ley de Seguridad #humanayciudadana que parta del respeto a los derechos humanos. @FelipeCalderon

These are the political parties you can include:

Presidente de la Cámara de Diputados: Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín: @jc_ramirezmarin


Francisco Javier Salazar Sáenz

Amador Monroy Estrada

Jesús Zambrano Grijalva


María Dolores del Río

Balfre Vargas Cortéz @balfrevargas

María de Jesús Aguirre Maldonado

María Guadalupe García Almanza

Carlos Samuel Moreno Terán

Herón Escobar García @heronescobar

Cora Cecilia Pinedo Alonso

Presidente de la Junta de Coordinación Política: Josefina Vázquez Mota: @JosefinaVM


Partido Revolucionario Institucional: Francisco Rojas Gutiérrez

Partido de la Revolución Democrática: Alejandro Encinas Rodríguez @A_Encinas_R

Partido Acción Nacional : Josefina Vázquez Mota @JosefinaVM

Partido del Trabajo : Pedro Vázquez González

Partido Verde Ecologista de México: Juan José Guerra Abud

Convergencia : Pedro Jiménez León @DipJimenezLeon

Nueva Alianza : Reyes Tamez Guerra

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